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What are the eligibility factors for to apply for a grant?Recipients of grants must be qualified donees under the Income Tax Act, essentially, registered charities or municipalities or government. Must have a charitable registration number (ie. 123456789RR0001) 123456789 – nine digit business number RR – identifies the type of account as a registered charity 0001 – program reference number Grants will only be provided to organizations who support the communities within the District of Timiskaming Funding must be used within one year of acceptance otherwise funds will be revoked and applicant must reapply for funding. If a potential donee (i.e. community project) is not a registered charity, the Foundation may make a grant to a sponsor which is a registered charity or qualified donee provided: The sponsor must have direct affiliation with the organization. The sponsor must undertake financial and legal responsibility for the project. For example, educational prizes or bursaries would be paid through the respective school in which the recipient is enrolled
Which communities fall within the District of Temiskaming ShoresGrants will only be provided to organizations who support the communities within the District of Timiskaming as shown below:
Is there a deadline to use the funding if we recieve the grant?Funding must be used within one year of acceptance otherwise funds will be revoked and applicant must reapply for funding.
Do I need to have a charitable registration number to apply for the grant?Yes, a charitable registration number is mandatory in order to be considered to receive the funding. If a potential donee (i.e. community project) is not a registered charity, the Foundation may make a grant to a sponsor which is a registered charity or qualified donee provided: The sponsor must have direct affiliation with the organization. The sponsor must undertake financial and legal responsibility for the project. For example, educational prizes or bursaries would be paid through the respective school in which the recipient is enrolled.
If we received funding last year can we reapply this year?Yes, if you have an additional community project in which you need additional funding we encourage you to submit an application.
Is there a location restriction on who can apply for funding?Grants will only be provided to organizations that support the communities within the District of Timiskaming as shown below:
Can we reapply for funding even if we were unsuccessful in receiving it last year?Yes, we encourage you to reapply if your project was not selected to receive funding in the year prior. The pool of applicants that apply for the Frog's Breath Foundation grant is strong, do not get discouraged if you were not selected through your first application.
Are there restrictions to the industry and organizations that can apply for the grant?The following organizations or criteria do not meet our mandate: Organizations that are not Canadian registered charities as set out by the Canada Revenue Agency International and national charitable organizations Political parties and candidates Individual applicants Schools for operating expenses Debt-reduction campaigns A source of funding start-up (Other funding programs must be considered or in place.) On-going operating budgets
Is there a deadline to submit an application?Application submissions remain open all year, the Selection Committee will review grant applications once per year on March 30. We encourage applicants to submit at least 1 month in advance however our committee will review all completed submitted prior to March 30th for that year.
How do I apply for the NOSM grant?The NOSM grant is selected by the Northern Ontario School of Medicine selection committee each year. The Frog's Breath Foundation has no impact on who is the recipient of the this award nor do you apply to receive this grant through our team.
How do I apply for the high school graduation award?You do not apply for these awards through the Frog's Breath Foundation. The grants are provided to each high schools graduation committee for selection each year.
Frog's Breath Foundation: FAQ
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