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Founder's Message

In 1998, I wanted to create a Foundation committed to the philosophy of giving back, giving back to the North.

I have a great passion, dedication and gratitude for the Communities of Northern Ontario. I believe that it is the communities in which we grew up, where we have moved, raised our families, and where we retired, that made us who we are. It is the collaboration of people, their diverse interests, cultures, and personalities that gives the North its strength, character, and purpose.

It is the tireless dedication of those working on the frontlines that make our communities a better place. Sometimes despite the hard work and dedication their goals can only be achieved with additional funding. The foundation focuses on contributing this funding support to applicants/organizations that have started raising money and building infrastructure. It is those applicants who have demonstrated their strong commitment and thereby ensure long-term success.

Giving back is how we keep the communities and their organizations sustainable and their visions alive, thriving for a better future for generations to come.




The Mission of Frog’s Breath has been to do just that; supporting the causes that bring communities, individuals, families and children together. For they are the future and I encourage all of you to get involved and support the initiatives that benefit your community and the people who live there.

Peter J. Grant Sr.

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Founder's Message

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Frog’s Breath Foundation is a private not-for-profit foundation created in 1998 by Peter J. Grant Sr.  Peter was the owner of Grant Forest Products Inc. and employer to hundreds of employees and their families.  It was his commitment to these families, his appreciation for their service and the love of the Northeastern Ontario land that motivated him to create a foundation to give back to the area he was raised and had established his business in.

Developing an event based on his greatest passion was the simple part – golf.  And so came the legendary Frog’s Breath Charity Golf Tournament and Social.  Over a period of 9 years the tournament raised over $12 million dollars with the help of hundreds of volunteers, community supporters and the incredible generosity of Grant Forest Products Incorporated who matched the event proceeds and donated immeasurable resources to the planning, staging and execution of the golf tournament.

Since inception, the foundation has given back over $7 million dollars to Northeastern Ontario communities.  Recipients have ranged from social services, arts and culture, education, provision of medical services, physical fitness and amateur sport, and everywhere in between.

By keeping small, the organization has forged close relationships with grantees, taken thoughtful risks with new and growing charities and collaborated to amplify the impact.


Today the foundation is managed by a small but diverse group of volunteers that make up the Board of Directors. These knowledgeable councilors share in the philosophy of giving big while staying small.  They endeavour to operate in a lean manner and focus on making a big difference on their neighborhoods’ biggest challenges.



My name is Joanna Murtha and I am a recipient of the Frog’s Breath Foundation Award at the Northern Ontario School of Medicine University. I just wanted to express my gratitude to both yourself and your foundation for making such a generous contribution to support medical learners in Northern Ontario. I am in my second year at NOSMU on the Sudbury campus. I am originally from Sault Ste. Marie and plan on practicing there once I finish my medical training. This award will help to reduce the financial burden of pursuing medicine and allow me to better focus on my studies.

Joanna Murtha 

Frog's Breath NOSM Scholarship Recipient 2023

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